Our Mission

Mi, a Színvonal – Bau Kft. dolgozói rendszerbe foglalt, tudatosan szervezett, minőségi munkával kívánjuk elérni a cégünk megrendelőinek megelégedettségét és elismerését, amely eredményezi munkatársaink pozitív jövőképét, egzisztenciáját és biztonságát!

Mindezt a folyamatos képzésekkel, fejlesztésekkel erősítjük és tartjuk fenn!

Aim of our products

Workmanship and services performed and delivered by the deadline in an economical way and according to the expectations of our customers with added value to them.

Our Mission

We, Employees of Színvonal-Bau Kft. aim to achieve the satisfaction and acknowledgement of our customers through systematized, deliberately organized qualitative work which results in the positive vision, existence and security of our staff.

Aim of our products

Workmanship and services performed and delivered by the deadline in an economical way and according to the expectations of our customers with added value to them.

Our Mission

We, Employees of Színvonal-Bau Kft. aim to achieve the satisfaction and acknowledgement of our customers through systematized, deliberately organized qualitative work which results in the positive vision, existence and security of our staff.

Aim of our products

Workmanship and services performed and delivered by the deadline in an economical way and according to the expectations of our customers with added value to them.

Our Mission

We, Employees of Színvonal-Bau Kft. aim to achieve the satisfaction and acknowledgement of our customers through systematized, deliberately organized qualitative work which results in the positive vision, existence and security of our staff.

Aim of our products

Workmanship and services performed and delivered by the deadline in an economical way and according to the expectations of our customers with added value to them.

Our Mission

We, Employees of Színvonal-Bau Kft. aim to achieve the satisfaction and acknowledgement of our customers through systematized, deliberately organized qualitative work which results in the positive vision, existence and security of our staff.

Contact us

Színvonal-Bau Kft.

Address:  6400 Kiskunhalas, Harangos tér 10.

E-mail:  szinvonalbau@szinvonalbau.hu

Customer reception: Monday – Friday: 8:00 – 16:00

Headquarters: +36-70/377-4637

Finance: +36-70/329-3100

Preparation engineers:


Regarding quotation:



Színvonal-Bau Kft.
H-6400 Kiskunhalas, Harangos tér 10.
